The Healing House Fund

We all have resources to share - and we invite you to share your financial resources with

The Healing House Fund!


The Healing House Fund seeks to close the gap between cost-accessible therapeutic services and a practitioner's livable wage. By utilizing given funds to supplement session fees, we are able to support both a livable wage for our practitioners and access to healing practices for people impacted by economic injustice. 

This is more important than ever, as the "second pandemic" of mental health continues to surge.

At The Healing House, we believe that healing practices (psychotherapy, psychiatry, massage, acupuncture, etc.) should be a basic human right. Yet they are often cost-prohibitive due to barriers created by economic injustice. 

We also believe that a livable wage should be a basic human right, including for healing practitioners. Yet we acknowledge that many healing practitioners live with marginalized identities impacted by economic injustice, resulting in being underpaid and under-supported.

This creates a gap between a practitioner’s ability to offer accessible care to people across life’s spectrums and their ability to support themselves financially. 


The Healing House Fund, a project of The Healing House, seeks to close this gap. 

Will you share from your financial resources to help close the gap?

Image credit: Kindred

Image credit: Kindred

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this charity?

In a word, no. The Healing House Fund is inspired by mutual aid, a way of sharing resources out of solidarity, not charity. We all have areas of need. We all have resources to share to help our fellow humans get their needs met. We contribute, not donate. We respect, not rescue. Mutual aid is also a way to enact economic justice and actively practice anti-racism, anti-caste’ism, Queer alliance, and destigmatization + decolonization of mental health.

How does it work?

Anyone and everyone can contribute to the Fund; no amount is too small (or too large ;). Practitioners associated with The Healing House (Lessees and Collaborative Members) can then request funds to help supplement session fees. We wish we had unlimited funds that necessitated no parameters at all. Alas, since that is not the case, we are trying to manage the Fund in an equitable and just way, with respect to its ebbing and flowing nature. We are very open to suggestions for how to do this better!

Who can access the Fund?

The Fund is available for services accessed in association with The Healing House. We give priority to clients and practitioners who identify as IBPOC, LBGTQ+, and womxn, as they have historically been and presently are most impacted by economic injustice.

How do you decide who gets to access the Fund?

We trust people to be honest about their financial need, and we trust our practitioners to discern whether the Fund would be helpful. When a practitioner makes a request, we compare the request to current funds, and allocate as we are able.

How much money covers one session?

The amount of funds requested per session will vary by practitioner and practice. However, the max the Fund can contribute is $50 per session. So, if you like to think of it this way, you can think of one session as $50, or a month of sessions for $200.

What is your greatest need?

No amount of contribution is too small, truly! That said, recurrent contributions - even small ones - are most helpful for being able to plan and maintain consistency.

Is my contribution tax deductible?

Your contributions are tax-deductible! We are a fiscal sponsee of an incredible organization called Wellness Works, Inc. (see below), which allows us to utilize their 501(c)3 status to make your contributions tax-deductible.

How much of the Fund goes directly to services?

Wellness Works, Inc. collects a very small administrative fee to cover the cost of maintaining 501(c)3 status and processing contributions. One reason we wanted to be sponsored by Wellness Works, Inc. is that through their sponsorship, as absolutely much as possible of your contribution goes toward services. The Fund is run by a volunteer, with no overhead or administrative costs.


The Healing House Fund is a fiscal sponsee of the incredible organization

Wellness Works, Inc.

The mission of Wellness Works, Inc. is to “Promote health and wellness for our community and world.” We are deeply honored to be sponsored by Wellness Works, Inc., and thankful that their sponsorship allows all contributions to the Fund to be tax-deductible.